Our LCP Ex Cartridge Dust Collector features are:
- Hopper in the pyramidal or trough version
- Different cartridge media types (CA 100, 140, 141, 150, 178, 190) to cater for most applications.
- ATEX certified explosion relief panels when handling explosive dusts St1, St2 or St3. For St3 contact Nederman.
- Dedicated control systems for complete dust extraction installation
Cartridge dust collectors for continuous operation in process and general dust extraction applications with free flowing dust.
All LCP units have generous sized integral pre-separation chambers to increase their dust load capacity and reduce the load on the filter cartridges. Maintenance is from the top, within handrails if specified. A range of space saving integral fans from 5,5 kW to 18.5 kW may be specified, with optional air silencers. Larger units may be served by floor mounted high efficiency Combifab fans.